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(More customer reviews)This contains Triclopyr, which is more aggressive than Glyphosate. It is also more persistent which means that you don't want to spray it close to plants you value.
Triclopyr is what you need to knock out Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy and a lot of other shrubs or trees can take a swig of Glyphosate (Round Up), gargle twice with it and spit it back into your face just for giggles. I've used this and the Bayer Brush Killer Plus. They contain the same active ingredient and I haven't observed any significant difference.
This stuff is the real deal - I found it when I was trying to locate a product called Vine-X (discontinued?) and found out that it was 13.6% Triclopyr in a penetrating oil. You simply brush it onto cuts or active vines and it would kill the entire plant.
This is where it is really nice to buy the concentrate instead of the pre-mix. I spray the diluted version but also use the concentrate in a small bottle. If I cut a thicker vine or trunk, I simply drip the concentrate on it and it will kill the roots and vine. Besides PI we also have wild grapevine, Buckthorn, Box Elder, and many other invasive and nuisance plans in the woods.
Because Poison Ivy is a creeping vine with multiple roots along it's length, eradication is helped with a higher concentration than the label instructs. (My observation) I use it between 50% to 100% (double) strength.
It appears that if you spray it in one spot you will kill that part of the vine, but if you hit it (in enough places) with something strong enough you can kill the whole plant down to the roots.
Make sure you spray it when you think it won't rain for at least a couple of days or else you will probably need to spray it again. Make sure you get all "sprouts." From extensive hand pulling, My observation is that for every "sprout" there is another ~3 feet of vine lurking around and another sprout hiding somewhere nearby.
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Click Here to see more reviews about: Ortho Brush-B-Gon Poison Ivy Oak & Brush Killer - Quart 0432760
Kill brush, woody weeds and vines. The tough weed solution, kills woody plants and vines such as poison oak, poison ivy, willows, oak, wild blackberries and many other unwanted brushy plants and vines?roots and all.pply when weeds are leafed out and actively growing.Apply when air is calm to prevent drift to desirable plants.Rain or watering 2 hours after application will not reduce effectiveness.Wilting or yellowing will occur in 2 to 6 weeks. Hard to kills weeds may require retreatment if regrowth occurs.
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