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(More customer reviews)well, for one, I had barely any enamel on my teeth. Eating was horribly painful if it was sweet or cold food. I had this problem for so long I have developed habits of eating that are less painful. its horrific, really. Brushing took me about 8 tries on a bad day, 2-4 on a good one. I would have to rinse alot because the pain of the tooth paste was too much.
I have been using this for about a month now. Its very painful to brush with, and it is made in China which makes me wary of it, China doesn't have great standards and many things from it have caused problems for the US. I was wary, but desperate. I saw reviews that where good, and some that said it did nothing, but none reported death or illness so I thought I would give it a go haha.
The tooth brush it comes with is nice. My teeth do feel smoother, and I THINK that they are getting less sensitive, I notice I'm having to rinse less when I brush, and it hurts less when I brush, also I am able to eat sweet foods better without as much pain... I think it is actually getting better, and I'm SO relieved! sensodyne, which just numbs the nerves, didn't seem like a brilliant solution... if the tubules are still exposed, I thought, couldn't food and things that would further damage the problem or cause cavities get in there? it seemed dumb. So now I've been using this stuff.
here is a little break down list style:
I think its working. I am deffinitally expirincing less pain
Its cheaper then the prescription stuff I hear, and easier to procure
Flouride free, big plus for those of us who do not want flouride, for various reasons I dont need to go into here.
tastes fine
makes my teeth feel smooth
increases brightness/whiteness a bit
Can be used on a daily basis
Contains Novamin which is an actual valid active ingredient for restoring enamel
Made in China, dubious quality control
leaves funny powdery/dry weird residue on things, have to wash off tube and brush and hands alot.
painful to brush with, more so then regular tooth paste, for me at least, but I have/had REALLY sensitive teeth.
not very potent, takes a while to work
not ADA approved
does not tell you just how MUCH novamin is in the tooth paste
no specific instructions (makes me think not alot of novamin is in there at all)
so there you have it. is it worth the money? well how bad is the pain? have you been to a dentist to see if its a cavity? do you KNOW the problem is enamel related? then try it why not, supposedly a bottle of SoothRX which is the US ADA approved novamin tooth paste that restores (and is ALOT more potent) costs $40, but supposedly you also use that alot less. So its a pro-con kind of thing. myself, I have no dental insurance now and I'm in horrible pain, so it was worth the money to try it. I'm glad I did, it turned out well for me. Though in the future, I probably will try to get the RX stuff.
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